admin has written 153 articles

tail emits warning: unrecognized file system type

Symptom tail when used on v6.5+ platforms will successfully open a file, but elicit a warning similar to: tail: unrecognized file system type 0x794c7630 for ‘error_log’. please report this to reverting to polling Cause Older versions of tail, such as shipped with RHEL7.2, do not ship with a version of coreutils that properly detects…

Changing Node Versions

Overview Platforms v6.5+ and beyond support multiple Node versions that may be installed using nvm. Usage Listing nvm is provided automatically. First, to list available node interpreters, execute nvm ls from the terminal: $ nvm ls v4.2.4 v5.5.0 -> system node -> stable (-> v5.5.0) (default) stable -> 5.5 (-> v5.5.0) (default) iojs -> N/A (default)…

Elevating privileges with sudo

Overview Newer platforms, v6+, provide limited sudo support that allows you to remove, copy, and change ownership of files with elevated permissions (root). Depending upon the platform version, either  rm (v6) or rm, cp, and chown (v6.5+) commands are available. Usage sudo follows a general syntax: sudo command arguments. Certain commands have restrictions on what arguments…

Spawning multiple TCP daemons in a single app

Overview Node applications may bind to a TCP port using listen(<PORT NUMBER>), provided of course the PORT NUMBER is one allocated to your account. Passenger replaces this listen() method with a built-in method that, instead of listening on a TCP port, creates a local UNIX socket for communication with the web server (see installServer() in source). By creating a socket, no…

Adding npm bin/ path to command search path

Overview npm installs packages by default under node_modules/ within the current working directory. Binary files, if bundled with a package, are installed under node_modules/.bin/ unless the global (-g) flag is supplied to npm install. This works if only a single version of a particular package is installed, but fails in most multi-version setups. Solution Add node_modules/.bin/…

Installing Laravel

Overview Laravel is a PHP framework built around abstraction: do more with less coding. Laravel runs off PHP and MySQL. It is supported on any package, but works best with a package that supports terminal access. For this guide, we will assume terminal access is available. Installation Begin by logging into the terminal. PREREQUISITE: Install…

Using Composer

Overview Composer is a dependency manager for PHP akin to npm for Node and Bundler for Ruby. Composer is provided with hosting accounts on all v5+ platforms. On an older platform? Request a platform migration! This guide covers installing a local copy of Composer on your account. Installing You may download the latest version from its…